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@jacobfetzer maybe you can help me with this too, but I’m also open to anyone else with suggestions.
In a recent thread here I mentioned that after setting meetings using the scoutbook for den leaders tool, I realized there was no way to skip weeks, no way to skip activities, no way to delete advancement we had already completed, etc, etc. The recommendation was to use the button labeled “Hide DLE events”. At first I thought that worked, but now I realized that only hide them on the upcoming events feed, and NOT from the calendar of events. What’s more, even though the events were all set for 6-7pm in the DLE tool, and still show 6-7pm in said tool, they all display at 5pm in the event calendar (which explains why one parent and scout showed up at our committee meeting last week). What’s even more, unlike events added in scoutbook proper, events added by DLE can’t deleted either in DLE or in scoutbook (there is no delete button the edit dialog for these events).
The DLE tool is really not ready even for beta testing. This shouldn’t have been released at this point. I could really use some help undoing this SNAFU.
When the den leader clicks on hide DLE it will hide the meetings on the calendar view in Scoutbook as well. If it does not do that for you it is a bug and you should send a ticket in to scoutbook.support@scouting.org Make sure you include your council, unit type, number, and den number in the ticket. Your name and member ID. It will make it easier for those troubleshooting
As far as the time differences, they will be fixed with the time zone update that will be coming soon.
A little more here,
You have control over what you actually do in your meetings. If a meeting contains something you already covered, you can credit the Scouts attending the meeting. If everything in the meeting already occurred, you can move it into the past and mark the Scouts as attending.
You can also stack meetings on the same day if needed.
To be clear, I am the den leader, and when i hide the DLE events it hides only events in the upcoming events feed, but not on the calendar, so I’ll submit a bug report.
I also haven’t been able to mark attendance for any past events. Once they are past the option seems to disappear, and I can double stack den meetings on the same day. They seem hard bound to a weekly schedule, and when I move one back, it automatically shifts the others forward to fill the schedule.