How can DL create calendar event for entire pack?

What role is needed?
I have a couple of DLs who are helping with other events. They can create calendar events for the scouts in their den. However, they cannot include other dens or the whole pack. Similarly our Hiking Chair is a registered leader who is marked as Pack Admin and Cmte Member. This person could create events in the calendar and invite everyone in the pack before in SB and then a little while after release in SBPlus too. However, now a month later this person cannot edit events in the calendar. What role do we need to change or why are they not able to create events or edit them?


Unit Leadership – Unit Activities (Many Participants)

Unit Leaders, Unit Key 3, Unit Advancement Chairs and Key 3 Delegates are each invited to create and approve unit activities, each containing many participants. Reports are available for providing quick summaries of unit and individual progress over time.

For full access to enter activities for everyone in the unit and to approve activities, you must be the unit leader, Chartering Organization Representative or Committee Chair of your unit on your official roster (not just in Scoutbook.) If not one of these three, you will need to be designated in Organization Security Manager at as a Key 3 Delegate or an Advancement Chair by someone holding one of the three positions above. To make such a delegation, see the guide here. For more on Organization Security Manager see: Assigning a Key 3 Delegate or other position in my.Scouting (myScouting) - Scoutbook Knowledge Base

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