How can parents invite their Scouts to Scout book

Hmm. Just checked a scout that doesn’t appear in the “Send Message” Youth Members group column - he does have a primary e-mail address in his IA profile.

Hunh. I checked a half-dozen who aren’t on our Send Messages list, and none of them had an email in their profile at IA2. Rats! Another perfectly good theory shot full of holes by the facts. :^)

Can you tell if the email address belongs to the parent or the scout? I’m wondering if it was attached to the account during initial registration, but is actually associated with the parent (and their Scoutbook account).

I just checked two scouts. One had his own email on his account, but the other had his mother’s email.

I can ask the boys who are in Scout Book to go into their Edit Profiles and ensure that their emails are there, not their parent’s.



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