How can parents invite their Scouts to Scout book

Our Troop parents no longer have the ability to invite their Scouts to Scout Book. When they log in and select “Edit profile,” they are now taken to Internet Advancement.

Can you help? How can they invite their sons to join Scout Book?

Thank you!

I believe that should be under Edit Extended Information (?) in the Scoutbook interface. I know it was broken at one point, but I thought it had been restored recently.

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You are correct it is now under edit extended information and has been restored.

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Thank you! I’ll have the parents try it!
Have a lovely evening. I am so grateful for your support on this platform!


Is the Invite option under Edit Extended Information not show up if the scout has already been invited?

Correct. It is also only visible to the parent/guardian connections, not to unit leadership.

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Related, is there a way to report a scout’s last login date?
In the Roster, one can display last login for Leaders but not scouts.

Not that I’m aware of.

Hello, David,

One of our parents—who is also a leader—reports that there is no way to invite Scouts no the Edit Extended Information page. He and I see the same thing (below).

Are there any other ideas? I can see that others in the Scout Book forum are having issues, but I don’t see an answer there that seems to work…

Many thanks for your help!


@MichelleBlake What is the Scout’s BSA member number? (No names, please)

You are either not looking at YOUR Scout as a parent, or the Scout has already been invited

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Thank you @DonovanMcNeil.

The invite requires a “unique e-mail address for your Scout.” Yet I’m pretty sure there we have scouts who have been invited and yet their profile does not show an e-mail address.


As an example, I know the father of Scout 136240570 told me that he does not see a place to invite his son.

Has this Scout already been invited?

If that’s the case, should the Scouts search their emails for something from Scoutbook?

Thanks so much for all your help,


this scout was invited and last logged in 2/28/22

@MichelleBlake when Scout logged in they are forced to create a password - the user name is everything before the @ of the email

Thanks, Donovan! I’ll see if we can work with this info!

Take care,



The easiest way to identify whether or not a scout has been invited is for a Scoutbook Unit Admin (or Unit Key 3/Key 3 Delegate) to look for their names in the Send Messages interface in Scoutbook. If the scout appears, they have an email address associated with their account. Once the email address is associated, it would have to be removed (I think) to allow the Invite to Connect button to reappear. That’s not something that a unit-level person can do.


If you are a Unit Key 3/Key 3 Delegate, see if viewing the scout’s profile via IA2 (click on the Edit Profile link from Scoutbook) allows you to see their email address in IA2. I was able to see the email addresses for scouts in my unit who have been connected to their account in the past. In contrast, for scouts who don’t appear in the Send Messages interface (i.e. haven’t been invited) the email address field in their profile at my.scouting is blank.

Thanks @CharleyHamilton :fleur_de_lis:

Please update the help document on this page. It no longer works, and I had to hunt to find this forum post for correct instructions. Thanks! How Do I Give My Scout Access to Their Account? - Scoutbook Knowledge Base