How do I add the unit leaders digital signature to Scoutbook?

I want to be able to print Blue Cards, Rank Cards, and Award Cards with the Scoutmaster’s digital signature but I don’t know how to add the digital signature to Scoutbook.
Does anyone know how to do this?


Scoutbook only prints signatures using a script font. There is no capability to upload signatures for use in printing.

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Are you asking about an uploaded signature as @edavignon inferred, or are you asking about how to get a “signature” (i.e. name) to appear in the relevant locations on the cards? If the former, you can ignore the rest of this post. If the latter, there’s potentially some useful information in there, but you might already know some or all of it.

For blue cards, for example, the “initial leader signature” will show the “script” name of the scouter who checked the box in the Scoutbook interface for initial leader signature (as @edavignon described).



The “Signature of Unit Leader” doesn’t appear on the applicant until the MB is “Leader Approved” in Scoutbook. Similarly, the “Signature of Counselor” doesn’t appear unless and until the MB is Counselor Approved in Scoutbook.

Thank you @CharleyHamilton for your reply and information.
However, I was asking about uploading signatures in a jpeg format.
Thank you to @edavignon for quickly answering my question.

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