Followed all blue card procedures…manual and electronic…
The Scout misplaced his Applicant Record. I told him he could simply print the blue card from Scoutbook for his records. However, the counselor “digital” signature does not appear on the electronic version.
We are pursuing other means to have the counselor sign again, but is this a bug in Scoutbook?
There are other details to the issue below…
Is this a known problem?
Scouter Rob
Additional details…
A Scout recently started work on a MB. He came to me (unit leader) for the initial discussion and counselor assignment. I gave him physical blue card, and also completed the electronic tracking in Scoutbook (unit leader digital blue card signature, and assignment in Scoutbook of a counselor listed in our council.)
The Scout completed the MB with the counselor assigned. Counselor marked MB completed and approved in Scoutbook, but did not mark individual (in Scoutbook) requirements as complete…just the entire MB in one swoop…
The MB showed as completed, and approved by counselor. When I had the “outbrief” (I call it that) with the Scout, I signed the blue card and the electronic blue card in Scoutbook. The counselor approval then disappeared, and no counselor signature appears on the Scoutbook blue card.
MB still shows as marked completed by MBC.
For a different MB, where counselor signed off individual requirements, all is as it should be with digital blue card.