I am a new advancement chair and i am not sure how to use this system how do I generate a report to take to the store to get advancement Patches?
Go to:
My Dashboard → My Units → Unit Reports → Needs Purchasing
Scroll down to the PDF icon that says Advancement Report.
You probably also want to print the PO so that you have an easy list of what to buy. It can be grouped in various ways for printing.
Thank you for the helpful response. I have update the scout book for my troop with all the new Merit badges that the scouts have earned at Tricamp from week 1, 2, and 3 and also their cyber chips as well but when I go to run a report only some of them are showing up in the report for PO not all of them? Even-though when I go into profile for each scout the new merit badges are there I do not see it in the PO? I am not sure what to do?
I would start by checking the Needs Approval report (same location as Needs Purchasing). If they aren’t yet Leader Approved, they won’t appear in Needs Purchasing. If they were accidentally marked as Awarded, rather than Approved, they similarly won’t appear on the Needs Purchasing report. The easiest way I can think of to check that us to look in the scouts’ Advancement and Awards lists to see if they are marked Awarded (yellow checkbox), Leader Approved (blue checkbox) or just Completed (green checkbox).
Check to make sure the awarded box is not checked for that award.
Thank you that is very helpful I had clicked on awarded as I misunderstood what awarded meant I thought since they have the final blue cards they have been awarded. I was able to fix it. Thank you so much.
Completed (green) means the Scout has fulfilled the requirements and is ready to be tested
Approved (blue) means the Scout has bene tested and the requirement or award is complete.
Awarded (yellow) means the award has been presented to the Scout.
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