HELP! Fixing advancement report

Hi all,
New to Scout book
I was updating our advancement for next Monday’s COH. When I viewed the “Needs Purchasing” report I thought I was just editing the shopping list when I removed some badges (I have surplus badges and we did not need to buy a bunch).
I went from needing to buy 84 items to something like 50. I clicked “review report” and only then realized that I was now getting the advancement report for council and of course it is now missing those 34 badges I took off the list.
Is there a way to undo or fix this?
Thank you

In order to show up on the Needs Purchasing Report, Purchase Order (PO), and Advancement Report, ranks, merit badges, and awards need to be marked as Completed and Approved, but not Awarded. (Awarded means that you have already presented the item to the Scout. As a result, there is no need to purchase items that have already been presented to the Scout.)

If you do not need to purchase those items, then I would recommend using the Scouts BSA Recognition Report. Set the date range and select the options: “Include Awarded Within Date Range” and “Include Not-Awarded Regardless of Date Range”.

If you are a Troop Admin and if you feel comfortable with spreadsheets, then you might also want to try Scoutbook’s Export / Backup → Scout Advancement csv file and open it in a spreadsheet program. You can filter and sort based on the LeaderApprovedDate or the AwardedDate.

If you do need to purchase the items, then you will need to go to each item and uncheck the box next to “Awarded”, so that it shows up on Needs Purchasing Report / Purchase Order / Advancement Report again.

It is important to note that as soon as the award is marked approved, it is official in the system and available for council to see (within 24 hours anyway). The advancement report only exists to prove to the scoutshop that the awards are already in the system. If you don’t need to buy them, there is no additional benefit of them showing up on the advancement report.

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