Requesting a step by step process / instruction…
Greg, Not totally positive in the request.
Did you answer your own question or concern with the Unit Pin setup guide you posted, one minute later?
Or did you still need future direction like any of these:
Need help to figure out how to update an existing USP as well as add more plan pieces …
Greg Carr
Commissioner Technology Team
Council LMAA Committee
Sam Houston Area Council
Udvsinvi Awohali Ulisgvi
| Larry “Keith” Potter LarryPotter Leader
May 28 |
- | - |
Greg, Not totally positive in the request.
Did you answer your own question or concern with the Unit Pin setup guide you posted, one minute later?
Or did you still need future direction like any of these:
He’s asking about unit service plans (part of the detailed contact process commissioners do), not unit pins. Last time I edited a unit service plan, you go to the associated contact and edit it. Unfortunately, they make the unit service plan an attribute of the contact instead of an attribute of a unit so it’s tied to the contact in which you made it. Doesn’t make sense but the powers that be have deemed it to work that way right now. I haven’t tried updating the plan several months later after the contact is otherwise locked so it’s possible it prevents updating it at some point at which time I’d do a new contact with a new unit service plan.
I agree with the explanation … makes little to no sense to design it that way.
I’ll give your suggestion a try and maybe this week at the meeting in Atlanta this change request might get some traction for the good of the system and we that use it to the benefit of our units,
Thank you again and look forward to more info as it becomes available.
Greg Carr
Commissioner Technology Team
Council LMAA Committee
Sam Houston Area Council
Udvsinvi Awohali Ulisgvi
With the new Commissioners Unit Dashboard, all you need to do is to click on the existing open USP that is shown at the top of the unit record to update it.
Now, adding should have been done when the contact was originally created. But you could create a new Detailed or Intermediate unit contact, and create new service plan elements there.
There are 4 items to be populated on the USP. In January I populated one and set the completion dat out 6 months and left the other 3 blank for later … later has arrived and I can only change the one original and not add to the other 3 … that is my issue … ‘view’ [as displayed] is the only option , there is no edit per se’ …
Greg Carr
Commissioner Technology Team
Council LMAA Committee
Sam Houston Area Council
Udvsinvi Awohali Ulisgvi
Well, editing a contact is only available for 48 hours. So, those three blanks went to the trash. You can edit the existing one in the “view” window.
But as I mentioned before, the proper procedure is to create a new detailed/intermediate assessment, especially six months later!
As a member of the National Commissioner Technology team, I will report your requested enhancement to the team.
Thanks for that and I’ll be following your advice and just create another USP … thank you again.
Workaround achieved !
Greg Carr
Commissioner Technology Team
Council LMAA Committee
Sam Houston Area Council
Udvsinvi Awohali Ulisgvi
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