How do you approve "pending" activities in IA?

By default they are not allowed. The can be made a key 3 delegate and then have the permission. There may be many reasons, but one I can think of is that service projects much be approved by the SM.

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I can’t imagine an Assistant Scoutmaster adding things that have not been approved. But I guess not everyone can be trusted. However, in saying that, I default to a Scout is Trustworthy.

It is not a matter of trust, but if the ASM has to ask the SM “was this approved?”, the SM might as well approve it themselves.

Your scenario works if the scoutmaster is already in the system doing this sort of “admin” work. Unfortunately in my situation this doesn’t help as I, an Assistant Scoutmaster, am the one doing the entry. I live in a more rural area where people aren’t so hip to tech and prefer the old way. So while this is great if your Scoutmaster is comfortable with those things, its a big inconvenience where the Assistant Scoutmaster is the one lending a hand.

We could go back and forth forever trying to prove our point. In the end it doesn’t matter, in my situation the Assistant Scoutmaster having this ability would be useful. If they decide to allow it, that will be great for us. If not then our troop will just have to figure it out.

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It is allowed, just not automatically. Make the ASM a key 3 delegate in my.scouting. Then they have the ability. This must be done once/year.


I would recommend asking your Scoutmaster or Committee Chair to log in at my.scouting and use the Organization Security Manager to designate you as Unit Advancement Chair (UAC) or a Key 3 Delegate (K3D). Units can designate up to 3 K3Ds.

K3Ds have more permissions at my.scouting than UACs, but UACs and K3Ds can add advancements and approve activities in Internet Advancement.


Ah ok, what you were saying earlier about key 3s makes sense now. Thanks I’ll try and run this by them and see if they’ll give me access. Thanks for hanging in there with my to explain that.

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Things always seem to move at a snails pace or not at all. I still haven’t been able to get access to manage this section of scoutbook. I was curious though, can there be more than 1 UAC? I know we already have one and I don’t want to step on toes.

At my.scouting, your troop can have 1 Unit Advancement Chair (UAC) and up to 3 Key 3 Delegates (K3Ds). Unit Key 3, UAC, and K3Ds can all access Internet Advancement.

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