Unable to approve Activities logs in Internet Advancement

I play the role of Rank advancement for my troop. Of late I am unable to approve scout’s activities logs (Hiking, camping, Service Hours). Link from scoutbook takes me to internet advancement login and the moment I login I am presented with system error pop-up with no details. Second, I am unable to approve scout’s activity logs and once I hit approve system error pops-up with unexplainable error without any details. I have necessary authorization and can do most of duties of Advancement Chair. Please help at earliest.

Can someone please help me with above post?

@AbhineetKothari - the first thing I would do is verify that the role of advancement chair is still listed on your my.scouting.org profile. As this is generally recharter time, that position resets when the recharter processes. In my area it is 12/31 but in some areas is is earlier than that.

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Thank you Stephen for the response. I do have functional role as Unit Advancement Chair which is set to expire 03/03/2021. So, I am good.

@AbhineetKothari - next step… when you log into advancements.scouting.org what is showing in the upper right ? That would be to the right of your name. I show a cub emblem with a red down pointer. If you have that down pointer what happens when you click on the emblem ?

I have a BSA emblem with red down pointer. When I click on down arrow it shows-up following -

  • Troop 181 BOYS Position: Troop Admin
  • Troop 0181 Connection : my son’s name

@AbhineetKothari - with the troop admin selected, can you approve anything ? Also, a screen shot of your roles in my.scouting.org would also be a help if possible.

Yes, I was able to approve hike hours earlier.Advancement Issue Screen Short.docx (1.1 MB)
Please find attached screen-shot of roles to my.scouting.org and advancement.scouting.org. I have also attached error message when I approve hiking hour for scout.

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