How does a cubmaster assign a registerd adult as Advancement Chair so they can update each scouts records to show advancement
You can do this a couple of ways.
The most “universal” approach is to assign the functional position Unit Advancement Chair in the Position Manager at my.scouting.
my.scouting → Left side drop-down menu → Unit # → Roster → Position Manager → Functional Positions
That should work both in Scoutbook and in IA2.
You can also (for Scoutbook only) add a Unit Advancement Chair leadership position to their account by going to:
Scoutbook → My Dashboard → Administration → My Units → Unit # → Unit Roster → Scouter’s name → Scouter’s positions
You may also need to update their Scoutbook connection permissions to all of the scouts to be Edit Advancement. This can be done from:
Scoutbook-> … → Unit Roster → Connections Manager
Thank you Charley Hamilton. Much appreciated.
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