Register as adult leader on


This year I am volunteering in my child’s Pack. I was told by the leader to register as an adult leader in the Pack. He gave me the details to enter into the form.

I looked around the site and cannot find the link / form to complete to register as an adult leader.

He told me to complete this step so he can send me the required trainings.

please advise as to where in the site I can complete the adult leader application / registration.


@JosephDi_Toro - I think you need to work from this site:

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thank you for the quick reply. So even though my child and I are registered for Scouting, I need to use that site to send the request to my child’s pack leader?

@JosephDi_Toro - in order to be a leader you would need to complete a leader application either on-line or the paper application depending upon unit/council/state requirements. In applying you would need to note the BSA ID that you have from

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Before, you just had a Scoutbook account. You were not a registered leader. To be registered leader you have to logon to my.scouting, take Youth Protection Training. After taking the training, you will get via email a pdf certificate indicating you are done and it is recorded in the system. Then either use the online registration found via (if your unit and council allow) or get a paper/pdf version of the application. If doing paper, you will also sign a criminal background check form (called a CBC). Take the application, the CBC, and your YPT certificate and turn it into your unit. Your Cubmaster can get it to your Committee Chair who can get it to your Chartered Organization Rep. Assuming they approve of you being a leader, they will send it in for processing. All of that may be able to be done electronically if, again, your unit/council allow it.

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