How to create new unit forums?

Is it in the FAQ or help documentation anywhere, how to create a new unit forum? I have one for my pack, that I’d created while playing with SB forums (legacy), but hadn’t created one there for my troop. Now I want to create a troop one. How do we do that?

Can Councils create forums? (WE WANT COUNCIL FORUMS.)


Currently only units that had activity in their unit forums in the legacy forums have a unit forum in the new forums. When other units have the ability to enable unit forums, an announcement will will be made including instructions.

There are no plans to create council forums at this time.

ETA for new unit forums?

We have not been given an ETA but it will be at least a few weeks.

For anyone else wandering into this topic - if you also want council forums, I added it to the Features Request forum here. Feel free to upvote it. :smirk:


You might have better luck pursuing Council level forums through your Council. This sounds like something Council Executives would need to ask for.

@RickBerg Already done. I’m taking a multi-prong approach. Councils don’t seem to have much sway in the Scoutbook conversation, is my impression based on conversations with them. This thread is about unit-level forums specifically; I moved the council- and district- request to that other thread (linked above).

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I had activity in my pack forum, which is now read-only, but I don’t seem to have a unit forum in the new forums. Where should I be able to see that? (cubmaster/pack admin)


How old was the activity in your unit forum? Only units with activity in the last 18 months were migrated. Unit forums are at the bottom of the category list in the form of Council X - Pack Y where X is your council number and Y is your pack number.

There were some unit forums that were not properly created. If you don’t find your’s and it had activity in the last 18 months, post your council and unit here and I will have someone look into it.

Ah - unfortunately we didn’t. Had I known I would’ve posted something I think most people assumed that we’d all have the new forums as the announcements just said new forums would be available.

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I am not finding the unit forum. I see the unit forum in the legacy form section but no where else. can you share a screen shot or the actual path to get to the unit forum.

Hi, Gerald,

To get to the link to unit forum, go to My Dashboard → Administration → My Units, then scroll almost to the bottom just below Troop Roster, and click the link that says Troop Forum.


The unit forum link only appears if the unit has a unit forum in Discourse.

Thanks, @edavignon. I saw from earlier conversations that units might not have a “new” unit forum if they didn’t have recent unit forum activity in the old forums. It seemed like @GeraldPierce was asking how to find the link. I figured if the link sent him to a new forum, he was done. If it sent him to a legacy one, then he knew there wasn’t a current forum for his unit.

I had also contemplated explaining the URL to reach the new unit forums directly, but I couldn’t figure out what the whole thing was. I see council number, unit number and then a six-digit number, which I assume is some sort of national unit identifier. Unfortunately, I couldn’t suss out exactly where it was defined, I suspect because I’m not a K3 or K3 delegate at my.scouting.


Last week a change was implemented so that the unit forum link points to the Discourse forum if the unit has a forum, otherwise it was removed.

We believe the number at the end of the unit forum URL is a unique identifier but we have not determined how it is generated. It may be generated when the forum is created and not relate to any unit identifier at the BSA.

Thank you all your instructions are very informative, it does not look like the unit Forum is available under “My Dashboard → Administration → My Units”. I can only assume based on your comments that this is because our units are new as of 2 weeks ago and forum was ever created to be in the legacy forum. Is there a way we can request that a forum can be created for both our 1092B and our 7092G troop?

The process to enable unit forums for those that do not currently have them is in development. An announcement will be posted in theScoutbook Change Log when it is available.

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Is there any update on an ETA? Our troop would like to create a forum…
Thanks -

Hi, @MeganSmith-Zagone,

There’s some discussion here about what sounds like it might be a beta-stage method for adding a unit forum.

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Can we offer to volunteer to be part of the beta?