How to go from Troopmaster Web to Scoutbook

Our Troop has been using Troopmaster for many years. It has worked fine. The promoting from BSA has reached the ears of some of the Parents and they want us to transfer to Scoutbook. Our former Scoutmaster set up Scoutbook when it was a trial before it was free. As Advancement Chair I can see the Scouts lisyed but can’t make any alterations in any of their accounts are m Scoutbook.

I want to help make this happen but after reading Starting with Scoutbook and many other posts I am still very confused. Does it need to be a Key 3 to set up Scoutbook permanently?

Is there anyone who has gone through the process that would be willing to guide me over the phone slowly over time.

Thank you

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Best bet is see if a Key 3 will make you a Key 3 Delegate in > Organization Security Manager > that will make you an Scoutbook Admin where you will be able to achieve what you want


There is a help page on this topic. Have you looked at Getting a Unit Started in Scoutbook? I passed this topic onto a Venturing Crew and they were able to get set up.

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