A scout was inaccurately marked “completed” of her siblings’ advancement adventures for several ranks.
How do we remove the “completed” status?
A scout was inaccurately marked “completed” of her siblings’ advancement adventures for several ranks.
How do we remove the “completed” status?
There are instructions here for how to remove an erroneously-marked merit badge/merit badge requirement. You can use something similar when removing the erroneously-marked advancement requirement, just go into the rank and adventure rather than the merit badge.
Thank you, Charley - especially thanks for the link!
I didn’t realize I’d need to go into each adventure and delete the date and Save for every task, as well as the adventure, itself.
Do you know if there is a way to review/bulk remove errors?
Sadly, no. Bulk creation of mistakes is easy, bulk removal is hard.
Try the Feature Assistant Extension for Scoutbook. It has an “Undo Requirements” that might work for this situation.
Thank you for that tip, Jennifer.
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