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Merit Badge Counselor incorrectly marked MB complete while attempting to mark requirement 1 complete. MBC attempted, but could not remove the date.
Unit Leader (moi) also attempted to remove date using several different approaches, including removing the MBC and assigning myself as MBC, to no avail.
When I attempted to reconnect the old MBC, it did uncover that the MBC was no longer appearing on the MBC list in our council (perhaps this was the cause of the issue??). I contacted our registrar to fix, and the MBC record is now showing. Old MBC is now reassigned as MBC.
Any wisdom on how to remove incorrect completion dates on MB’s? I researched old threads and saw this issue several times, and tried all fixes offered.
Thanks, I apologize for being snarky…my frustration level is pretty high with Scoutbook issues, but I am deeply grateful for all you SUAC volunteers do. Please ignore my rudeness and keep fighting the good fight