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Parent of Scout approved a Merit Badge as counselor but I’m the counselor. Who has permission to clear the approval and how do they do it?
Note: Parent may have Edit Advancement permissions for the Troop but I’m unable to confirm this. So its not clear this is a bug but just a mistake on parent’s part.
@JamesSperry - were you connected to the scout as the MBC ? How do you know they approved it… screen shots are good to have here. Now I will note that every parent has full control rights over their respective scout. If they are not also a registered leader they can mark items completed but NOT approved.
I’m the Counselor for the MB and also ASM in the Troop (with Edit Advancement). In the screenshot the “by” person listed next to “Counselor Approved” is the parent
@Stephen_Hornak There is no counselor connected in Scoutbook. I’m trying to understand how the parent was able to approve as counselor. And more specifically how the advancement coordinator can undo the improper parental “counselor” approval
@JamesSperry - ok… is the merit badge completed? If not then remove the date completed and save. You could have also checked out the help section in scoutbook as well for this like this
@DonovanMcNeil was looking into that one. Not sure if he’s still on, or if the two are potentially related. In both cases, there was no MBC connected/assigned in Scoutbook.
Clearing the date and saving didn’t “unearn” the MB. Upon save, it just changed the previously “Marked Completed” and “Counselor Approved” approvals over to me.
This is my situation. I am the merit badge counselor. The Scout never spoke with the Scoutmaster, the parent assigned me as the counselor and signed the merit badge as completed.