On another similar thread, one of the posters discovered that there error was (at least in part) derived from having some of their scouts on the current (2024) version of the adventures and some on the prior/old version. The break between your new and your previously-registered scouts suggests this might be a similar issue.
Can y’all take a look at the version of both the rank and of the individual adventures for each of your scouts who aren’t working? If the rank looks OK, try the individual adventures that are failing. If all of those look OK, try toggling the rank version from 2024 to 2016 , then back to see if that “forces” the rank and the adventures onto the current version.
I’m not suggesting this is the “right” way this should be working. Rather, I’m trying to extrapolate (from what I we see as users) a work-around that might be faster than waiting for the developers to identify, patch, test and release the fix. If it doesn’t solve the issue, at least that’s more data for the developers to use to diagnose the underlying problem.