I get a JSON error every time I try to enter new camping nights or service hours. This new way of entering is much more tedious than the old way in Scoutbook. I understand it is a new platform but it is frustrating everyone in our troop.
this has been reported to developers
Why isn’t this fixed? This is a fundamental feature of IA. People need to use it since we can’t use Scoutbook for this anymore.
My guess would be that it’s not fixed yet because not everything is simple to fix…
In the meantime, it’s been four days. Use a notebook for now, and take 20 minutes to update the logs when they’re back up and running.
My frustration really stems from the point that I wasted time switching browsers, rebooting my computer, trying to enter data several times when it was a known issue. There could have been a notice put on the site, ala the downtime notification, letting folks know that it was not working. Luckily I found this forum before spending more time on it.
Will we be notified when it is fixed? Even when I was able to enter one camping trip, it was much more labor intensive than it used to be in Scoutbook and it wouldn’t let me add a location. It seems this “solution” is worse than the original Scoutbook version.
Watch the Internet Advancement Change Log for an announcement.
@JacquelineBerger - are you a parent or a leader? I am trying to understand when this issue is presented.
I’m both a parent and advancement chair. It will only let me enter as a parent but then gives the JSON error. So you spend the time entering the info but can’t submit.
Got it! Thank you. We are looking into this.
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