Entering volunteer hours in Scoutbook - cryptic/unhelpful error message - how to fix?

At the request of our advancement chair, I have tried as a leader and as a parent to enter volunteer hours in my Scout’s Scoutbook account for her to approve. I get a cryptic error message that provides absolutely no information on what needs to be changed/entered. I cannot paste the image here, but it says, "Error validating JSON. Error: - Invalid type Null, expected Integer for memberId - missing required field ‘personGuid’ (org.mule.module.apikit.exception.BadRequestException)

My son has been a Scout and has had a Scoutbook account for years, so I don’t think it can be something with his member id. The rest of it is like a giant swear. Any ideas?

A membership ID was expected on the form but it was not found. For some reason that field was not populated. That can happed because you were not logged in, you backed into the page, just a connection glitch or it wasn’t entered.

To get to this page, I logged in to my Scoutbook account and navigated to my son’s advancement page and tried to complete the form for a new activity. I was logged in, I didn’t back into a page (never hit the back button). I kept trying last night and it finally worked, but when I went to enter another event in this morning, I get the same issue. Scoutbook is just so so buggy. It is a bummer that the error messages don’t actually tell you what to fix. Kind of a waste of time.

The developers are investigating.

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The developers are still trying to find the root cause of the error but will be trapping the message and providing meaningful wording.

Thanks for the update. I have asked another troop leader to enter my scout’s hours - hopefully she will not receive the error message. I’m glad someone is working to make the message less crytic, so users can figure out how to remedy it. Appreciate your help!

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