Internet Advancement - Edit Activity Error

I have an activity that was added for a scout’s Eagle project. I’m trying to enter the scouts and hours using the advanced tab, and when I click ‘Edit and Finish’ I get the following error:
Error validating JSON. Error - Invalid type Null, expected integer for userid (org.mule.module.apkit.exception.BadRequestException

The record won’t save at all - need the error fixed.

2 things on this

  1. send email with info to
  2. The Official place to record Eagle projects is still

I’ll send the info as directed.
Scoutbook/IA also need service hours because they get applied to all the scouts that need it.

yeah during development it was pointed out that for a period of time there would be double entry and count for EP because of that

I’m still getting the “Error Validating JSON” error when trying to edit a hike on either my or my son’s profile. I emailed Scoutbook Support and got this…

"Due to the unusual circumstances of 2020, Member Care Contact Center will no longer be able to support volunteers. Please contact your local council for support.

If you do not know your council’s contact information, you may find it by going to, select Join from the banner at the top of the page, and enter your zip code. The council information will display at the top right corner of the screen.

For Scoutbook or Internet Advancement help you may go to Our Scouting forums at also provide a wealth of information.

If your council needs assistance with your issue, they will call the member care contact center.

This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message, which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. "

I don’t think our council can do anything about this. I guess I’ll just wait.

It’s not so much that the council will fix it themselves, but rather that we as volunteers no longer have direct access to member care. It all has to filter through the council professional personnel, which usually means trying to explain something to someone who isn’t generally familiar with Scoutbook, who then has to explain it to member care (who often isn’t familiar with Scoutbook, either) and hope that it can get escalated to the right folks who do understand Scoutbook. It’s a soup sandwich most of the time, from what I’ve heard, unless it’s actually something related to ScoutNet, with which the registrars are generally familiar, or you get lucky and your council has a ScoutbookNerdTM on staff. The best luck anyone I know personally has had was by sending an email to their council, and asking their council to pass it along unchanged through their internal channels to the folks at member care/Scoutbook support. It took a while, but they eventually got their issue (I forget exactly what it was) straightened out.

What exactly is the error message? SUAC seems to think that the INTEGER vs FLOAT issue for the logs was resolved a while ago: Error When Approving Activity - #8 by DonovanMcNeil