IA Calendar issues

  1. Are we able to discontinue using SB for calendar and just start using IA?

  2. Doing a test in IA: When putting in my first event directly in the IA calendar instead of thru scoutbook, I am trying to only invite a select few adult leaders to work out how to best work this calendar. When I put in these few leaders and set up a “send now” reminder and “create” the event, the invitee list then includes all leaders, all scouts and all parents. And as of 10 minutes after creating, I have not received an email for this fake event.

  3. While this fake event did show up in SB with almost all of the correct information, it is not showing any invitees at all.

  4. When trying to update this calendar event it will not allow me to save the update with all scouts and four leaders selected. I get this

  5. I can only save the event with leaders. Adding scouts gives the message above. However it gave me a weird list of “guardians” to scouts and adult leaders. Now the leaders are showing up in SB. Guess it is taking longer than I was giving it. I still have not received the reminder in email and have checked all the folders to see if it was send to promotions or spam.

Please advise?

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