We now have 3 different systems for a single scouting unit. Is there a direction to migrate to a single system? Which system is BSA investing its resources in? I makes no sense to have to update adult positions/rosters in 2 separate systems, to get the 3rd system to work correctly. IMO Scoutbook is a good platform, why are we going backwards to IA2? If BSA could communicate its reasoning/future plans, things would go a lot better.
@JillBarr - IA2 is the new code stack. Scoutbook is written in what is now code that is proving a challenge to update to meet user requests. The new code stack will provide more a flexible base for future enhancements.
If you note the FQDN involved:
IA2 - scoutbook.scouting.org
MYST - my.scouting.org
Forums - discussions.scouting.org
It is unifying under a singular domain.
Our advancement chair has lost abilities to record advancement. How do I fix this as Committee Chair
@SteveGressmire - if you go to my.scouting.org then the unit and the organization security manager make sure that the person is listed as advancement chair.
A few years ago they communicated an IT Roadmap. It would be nice for the powers that be communicate an updated one. The seams are showing and it is clear that Scoutbook is a stepping stone. It would be great to show a plan, even without dates, of the milestones to a unified future.
Does anyone know what professional at National such a request should be made to?