Internet Advancement or Scoutbook?

I just came back to scouting and am now advancement chair. I am just getting the understanding of scoutbook but now seeing things pop up about IA. I went online to get more info because the boards sound as if we are migrating BACK to it but a video (1999) says if you are using Scoutbook- don’t use IA. Can someone break this down for me or is there a forum for the new person?

@DebraWalker - one thing i want to clear up is that scoutbook does not date back to 1999. I know as I worked the Scoutbook booth at the BSA National Meeting in Atlanta in 2015. IA was then scoutnet and new. Now onto your request. The end goal will be to move scoutbook functionality to the new platform known as IA2.0. Prior to a singular advancement database it was noted to use and data would flow in a sync. You could still just use IA but other features have not moved there. There is also a help section in scoutbook that runs through many of the questions you most likely have.

Now the help section is found here:

So should I be becoming more familiar with IA?

When the current instance of IA came out (called IA 2.0), there was clear direction to use one or the other. That is no longer true.

The “simple” direction is to use Scoutbook (including the parts that are in IA , but for all intents and purposes those are sort of Scoutbook). Don’t “choose” to just use IA UNLESS your unit uses a 3rd party app that imports into IA2, then it could make more sense to “stay” in IA.

Scoutbook “classic” Interface: Advancement, Awards, Roster (not quite official, home of den and patrol memberships), Calendar, Payment Log, Messages, Leadership & Membership Tracking, Access Permissions

IA Interface (most came from Scoutbook): Reports, Profile Info, Activity Logging (miles, nights, hours), Recharter (was in different system), Eagle Hour Reporting (was in different system) Training, applications, official roster (with official roles), organization manager (BeAScout Pin)

Forums (was in Scoutbook)

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I would become familiar with Scoutbook. Eventually, all the Scoutbook features will migrate to IA, but we are not there yet and when we move, it will be one by one, and in a way that you click on a menu item in Scoutbook that you get use to, and it will open in IA. So learn Scoutbook

A good page to start is here:

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I just wrote up this quick training for my troop. We were all kinds of confused with the different tools.
I hope this helps.

Remember the three tools as colors, which correspond to their app icon.
Scoutbook (RED)
Internet Advancement (WHITE, no app. )

myScouting (BLUE)

Now let me explain in reverse order.
BLUE - myScouting
This is the HR Department. Your Member ID and other info is here. Some login issues for any of the 3 tools can be fixed here.
There isn’t much here to do other than Youth Protection Training and other training modules.
Scoutbook will open a tab when you click on a myScouting resource.
I don’t bother with this app.

WHITE - Internet Advancement
Production Department. This is where the magic happens. It’s the Advancement database.
You can update advancements here, but at this point that should be a thing of the past. Do it via Scoutbook.
One thing this tool can do is handle uploads from third party tools like TroopMaster.
There is no downloadable app like the RED or BLUE. The website functions as an app fairly well from a phone/tablet.

This is Reception or the scouting Store Front. Everyone should be doing everything from here or going to Scoutbook first to access the other resources.
Scoutbook pulls from the other two, and brings it all together.
Advancement Tracking, Calendars, messaging, service logs, hiking/activity logs, payment logs, additional reports
Scoutmasters and leaders should access the web,
The app only shows your scout if you’re a parent/guardian.

Scoutbook release date


The purchase date of the Scoutbook software was April 8th, 2015.


I have not found a definition or a first use date, but in “ How to Register a Member Beyond Age of Eligibility” in the Guide to Advancement, 2019, the national membershiip database it appears to be part of “ScoutNET”.


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