iCal fed calendar events showing different times on different devices

I’m having the same issue as here…

We’re in Texas. It’s off by differing amounts.

Scoutbook is setup correctly. 6PM - 9AM.

I then feed it into our Google Calendar and embed it into our www.pack802.rocks site. That shows it as 5PM - 8AM. One hour off. Could be daylight savings? By then we’ll “spring forward” but should that make it off 1 hour now?

But then on my phone it shows something entirely different. 11PM - 2PM. That’s not even ballpark and could cause some real issues.

These two devices have Exchange which shows calendar items the same, and it’s never otherwise been an issue, so I don’t think it’s a device setting.

Someone mentioned, “What fixed it for us (in Indiana) was to turn off the setting to automatically set time zone based on location and then manually set it to New York Eastern Time plus a browser restart.” But I don’t see where that’s an option. In calendar.google.com I removed the feed and added it again, but the time zone is fixed with no way of changing it.

I’m really stuck as to how I can fix this.

@DavidO - if scoutbook is showing the correct time, then you are outside of its settings… do not suspect a bug there. Since various devices show different times then something is up between them.

One thing can note is if I am in edit mode on our google site then the times on all events will be waaayyyy off until i exit edit mode and view from a different browser.

is this your pack site? https://www.pack802.us/calendar/


We’ve not had luck tracking down the owner of the old .US site.

Just because it’s correct in the on screen display doesn’t mean that the iCal feed is correct. But it is showing correctly in my logged in calendar.google.com desktop view also, so I assume it’s not the feed either.

But others have run into the same issue and the specific fix wasn’t listed, so that’s what I’m hoping for.

@DavidO - i understand what you are saying but i truly doubt it is a scoutbook bug. This may take some time to sort out but again i doubt it is a scoutbook issue.

Got it. I posted in this section because it’s the same as the previous post, which had a similar or same issue. Maybe they should both be moved.

@DavidO - what is your unit site ? Ours are at scouting33.org

Let me know if you see meetings at like 7pm est

This is our site… http://www.pack802.rocks

This is what I see on mobile…


@DavidO - oh man i am in for a long pack meeting… but i see that camping trip starting at 6pm as the scoutbook grab shows. So there is something up with how your devices gather time.

The March pack meeting is Friday 7pm

Wait… your calendar is showing saturday March 5… you should be behind my current time

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OK. I appreciate you troubleshooting with me.

Not sure the inconsistency makes me feel any better.

@DavidO - oh heck no and like i said i totally understand and it would drive me nuts. Now do you run any vpn or redirects on your devices like nordvpn

Nope. iPhone on AT&T. Same on in-house wifi internet.

@DavidO - so here is my view of your pack calendar:

Screenshot 2022-03-05 003030

I gather those times are correct

Yes, those look correct.


@DavidO - yeah exactly… aaarrrggg… let me think on this… I don’t want to keep both of us up all night… although based on how you are seeing dates and times… :slight_smile:

You know you are seeing things as UK time… i think… dang

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One other data point that would be helpful, are email reminders coming to you with the correct time and timezone shown?

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Good point.

Yes, they also appear to be correct.

More points of data.

From my kids Fire Tablet. 5PM-8AM…

And my Moms phone. 11PM-4PM (military time)…

So, that tells me that your unit’s time zone is set correctly in SB and the device that entered the events is on the same time zone at least.

I am correct that you live near Chicago? In IL even?

If you use both of those devices to pull the event up directly in Scoutbook, do they all show the correct time?


I’ve never seen it show anything different than what’s correct inside the SB website.

That’s good… mostly. It does seem like the issue is probably specific to the iCal/Google then. I know that’s where you started. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work as simply as it may appear. The SB UI uses your device timezone for display and converts the event to CT in order to store in the DB. Then, the email reminders convert it to the timezone in your edit Pack page. I’ve seen plenty of times when people saw the right time on their device but the event was actually saved incorrectly since the SB picked up the wrong TZ from the device. All of that seems to be working since you consistently see the same time for the UI and emails.

Unfortunately, I’m not as versed as others in how the iCal feeds embed into Google calendars. I know Stephen has done this before. Hopefully, he has some other ideas.