iCal link not working

The iCal link for my Den is displaying events 6 hours earlier than programmed in ScoutBook on iPhones and Apple products. It seems to be fine for Google and Android.

I went on iCalendar.org and used their validator tool. It said there was a problem with how this link is written: https://sbcalendar.scouting.org/dens/178439.ics

@MargaretNg - that url does not look correct. When i check the subscribe url it is scoutbook.scouting.org/ics/


Where did you get your url from ?

So I just went back and checked. All the ones in ScoutBook Den Leader are missing that end part. They are all incorrect. Looks like the reason my Pack calendar is working is because I was able to grab the link out of the Admin version. My Bear Den however does not show as an available calendar to choose in the Admin view.

@MargaretNg - ah in scoutbook itself click the gear on the calendar to get the subscribe link as then dens are not selected to view. And please avoid using the den leader experience.

Thank you Stephen!! Is the Den Leader experience under development? I love that it gives you lesson plans and let’s you take attendance at your meetings.

@MargaretNg - it has issues with the events and is not actively supported

@MargaretNg - were you able to get the ics link

YES!! And you helped solve the mystery of how to remove the calendars I was seeing I didn’t need and add thethe ones I did need too!! Don’t know why I didn’t see the gear symbol.

I’m sure you heard this before, but ScoutBook needs a UX overhaul. I know some developers if you guys ever decide to do that!!!

Thank you for all of your help!!! I’m all set.

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