Identifiable grouping of units to iCal in IA

As a Scout leader involved with many units, the iCal links at the bottom of the page are difficult to make sense of. After taking a moment, I noticed that each of the patrols/dens is listed under the umbrella of the unit but the way it is listed doesn’t make it super clear:

I would like to see some sort of indentation or some other identifiable grouping for each unit:

Also, would love to see this list sorted alphabetically as well as having proper camel casing of the patrol names. It sounds silly but some of that patrol spirit is lost by removing capitalization within the patrol. Thunder CookiEZ, for instance, takes pride that they have the EZ emphasized because they feel that all the patrol challenges are easy for them.


I have passed this request on to the developers.

Thanks @edavignon for letting me know

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