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I am getting ready to import a CSV file from summer camp, but I only want to import the merit badges, not the rank advancements. I see I can toggle Merit Badge Reqs., Completed Merit Badges, and Leader Approved, but I don’t not see a way to toggle off rank requirements. I don’t want to blanket sign off on all rank requirements for the first class trail scouts without checking in with them that they learned the skills etc…
Is there a way to do this without deleting all of those reqs. from the CSV file?
The extension will simply ignore any rank or award data in the CSV file. It currently only pays attention to the Merit badge records. So no need to edit the file
@AngelaKoch - are you working on the tentaroo export. I did a preliminary export with the completed reqs excel and found that it retains data that has to be scrubbed before any progress on import.