Individual Advancement Record Generation Issues

I periodically need to generate Individual Advancement Records for each member of my troop which has around 70 scouts. For quite a while I have been unable to generate all the reports for the troop at once, but have found that I can do it in batches of 20-25 which is not terribly convenient. Is there a fix in the works for this?
Tonight it is taking 3-5 minutes for each report to generate even when selecting just a few scouts.

What happens when you try to do more?

When I try to run the reports for more than 25 scouts it either never completes the request or I get the error screen that I have seen others post a picture of here in the forums. I ended up splitting the troop into 4 smaller batches to get all the advancement records generated, but all told it took an hour to troubleshoot and generate what we needed when it seems like it should only take 5 minutes to run one report. Maybe the system is overwhelmed with rechartering happening?

The system is typically overloaded on Mondays (which has already been brought to nationals’ attention), so that might have been part of what was causing issues yesterday. Unfortunately, resolving the load issues seems to be at least in part an issue of throwing a lot more money at the problem, so it may remain fairly slow on Mondays. The more that gets cached locally, the faster the handling, but the more out-of-date the information is, which is probably counter-productive for advancement reports run the day of an event/meeting.

There also seems to be some sort of limitation on the total amount of data that can be assembled, so I find that reports with less information (e.g. patrol-by-patrol or just for a single rank level) get processed faster.

That’s good information to have about the Monday crunch, I hadn’t been aware of that. Thanks for sharing.

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