A new cub scout to our Pack has registered and I have designated him as Wolf. This is showing correctly in the Advancements.scouting.org site (showing Wolf badges to be completed), but very incorrectly in Scoutbook. In the latter, it is listing him as both “Current Rank: No Rank” and “unassigned”, and saying he is working on the Lion Badge.
Has the scout previously earned a rank? If not, then Current Rank should be No Rank.
How recently did you assign the scout to a Wolf den? It might not have synched over yet.
When you look at the scout’s Memberships page in Scoutbook, are they assigned to a den there?
That said, cub scout advancement is now 100% in SB+ (advancements.scouting), and legacy Scoutbook is only handling awards and messaging, I believe.
@PaulettaStiessberger post the Scouts BSA # and we can look at it
He is Member Number 141013968
I assigned him about a week ago
@PaulettaStiessberger Everything looks right - but it looks like you were flipping the den around or something - not sure
we did advancements at the beginning of this school year, not the end of the last one, since many joined in Spring (they then had the summer to finish rank requirements). I moved them up the ranks. However, that particular scout just joined this month (as a Wolf)
should I simply ignore Scoutbook (the old one) now as it’s wrong but Scoutbook Plus seems correct?
What are you seeing that is wrong?
Its showing my new Wolf to be starting on his Lion
@PaulettaStiessberger - since cub advancement is in advancements.scouting.org you can ignore scoutbook as it was not updated for the new program.
I was referring to what is stated in advancements.scouting.org
He is grouped as a Wolf but shown as working on his Lion
We will need a screen shot and the Scout’s BSA Member ID. Please blank out any personal identifying information such as the Scout’s name.
@PaulettaStiessberger - your opening post statement is that it was good at scoutbook plus but not good in scoutbook classic
I realised that the Lion bit in Scoutbook Plus is actually highlighted, too. So I guess Plus and Classic are consistent at the moment for this particular scout (unfortunately both wrong)
I posted them both previously
@PaulettaStiessberger - are you talking about the main page for the scout where it shows them and the list of ranks to the right of their name section?
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