"Insert Upcoming Events" button inserts all events with wrong time

All times are inserted with the time shifted 1 hour earlier. 6pm event becomes 5pm, etc.

We are in the eastern timezone and the calendar is set to “America/New_York GMT-04:00”

@CharlesPyne - are you seeing this on the calendar itself in advancements.scouting.org or elsewhere. Additionally how were these events “inserted” ?

@Stephen_Hornak - The events have the right time in the calendar and display correctly there. The wrong times happen when I click “Send Message” > “Insert Upcoming Events”. The message and email that goes out to the troop has the times all an hour early

@CharlesPyne - what does the time zone say when in scoutbook.scouting.org > unit page > edit unit ? I am assuming that the TZ setting you mentioned was in advancements.scouting.org ?

I just now checked SB and it is set to Eastern as well. The calendar timezone was what I checked previously.

This is very strange. I just tested it again and now it is inserting the correct times. I had tried this earlier this morning and observed the wrong times. From checking my emails, I can see wrong times were sent out on my last email on 6/5 but correct before that on 5/28.

Maybe me just looking at the time zone settings fixed something.

@CharlesPyne - entirely possible, but certainly odd. It could have event been the move of CS advancements to SB+ but who knows. If it goes odd again you can look at bot TZ settings and click update to make sure it is set.

The wrong time problem was back again this morning. I composed a couple of test messages and each time the event times would be an hour too early. I clicked over to the “edit troop” page and just looked at the timezone, but didn’t change anything. Clicked back to the messages and now the times are correct again when I compose a new message. Looks like something is somehow intermittently breaking related to timezones.

@CharlesPyne - what kind of device/OS/browser are you using when this happens ?

I’m wondering, are you able to close the browser, clear cache, and then try to reproduce the issue?

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