When I click on Internet Advancement from my Scoutbook Dashboard all I see is a blank page with the spinning dots.
It does work with Edge, but Firefox is my default browser and I would like to keep it that way.
When I click on Internet Advancement from my Scoutbook Dashboard all I see is a blank page with the spinning dots.
It does work with Edge, but Firefox is my default browser and I would like to keep it that way.
@JamesDenman loaded fine for me - try an incognito window - might be a plug in you are running
Chrome is the preferred browser, with the new version of Edge being second. While I run and test My.Scouting apps using all three, Firefox errors do not get the priority, since it is not based on the same core engine as the other two. (I also test with Safari on the Apple platforms.)
With a worldwide marketshare of only 3.45% that is understandable as to why. (3.44% in the US):
Browser Market Share Worldwide | StatCounter Global Stats
I can’t get in with any browser. This problem has been going on for a ridiculous amount of time. Since Internet Advancement is the official record it ought to at least work without all the “work arounds” that people post that I can’t even get to work. I wouldn’t think this would be such a difficult fix for a professional database programmer. It think its more of a not really caring issue. Part of the disconnect between the professional ranks and the volunteer ranks that plagues scouting.’
It must be something with your account. If it wasn’t working for many people, the forum would be flooded. Can you get into my.scouting?
@NelsonGoodin, I just tried with Firefox (most current version on both Win10 and Android) and got in no problem. Well, no problem once I spelled my password correctly. :^P
Have you tried opening a fresh private browsing window (Ctrl+Shift+P) with all extensions disabled? I’ve occasionally had issues with extensions causing heartburn for connecting to various scouting.org subdomains. I don’t usually have to clear cache, but I know other folks have had to to get things working again.
@NelsonGoodin I would recommend that you ask one of your Key 3 to add you back as Unit Advancement Chair or Key 3 Delegate at my.scouting.
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