Inviting parent, adult

Do you have to invite a parent that has 2 scouts and is an Adult 3 separate times?

@HelenHsiu - could you clarify “is an adult 3 separate times” as that is a problem if they are in triplicate. I would search for the parent and connect them to the other scout. I have twins plus other multiple youth who are part of a family.

Whoops sorry, ambiguous wording.

A parent has two children who are scouts in the troop and he is also an adult. Do I need to invite him via each scout’s record and his own adult record? Or is once enough? I only ask because after I invited him from one place the status on being invited in the two other places were not updated.

Hi, @HelenHsiu,

Are we talking about a parent or a parent who is also an adult leader? I wasn’t sure from your question. Nevermind. Our posts crossed.

In principle, only one invitation to connect to their own account is needed. I don’t believe that you have to invite the parent to connect to their scouts. Rather, as a unit admin, you can assign those connections with the type Parent/Guardian from My Dashboard → My Units → Unit Roster → Scout’s name → Scout’s Connections → Add. Make sure you search for the person first (by email address has worked best for me), don’t just create a new account.

If the parent is an existing adult leader in your unit, you just need to add their connection to their two scouts’ Scoutbook accounts as a Parent/Guardian, in addition to whatever leader connection they may already have. Even if the parent hasn’t used Scoutbook in the past, as @Stephen_Hornak wrote you search for them (I recommend using their email address, in particular whichever one is in their profile when they login at, then connect that account to each of the scouts as a Parent/Guardian.

If the parent is new to being an adult leader, I would wait for the parent’s account to appear in your my.scouting roster, then 24-48 hours after that, the parent should appear in your unit roster (I believe). At that point, I would connect the parent’s adult leader account to their scouts’ accounts. If they don’t appear on your unit roster, I would touch base with the council registrar to see what the status is. Maybe there’s a holdup in processing, maybe something else is going on. You can also search for the parent’s adult leader account using the email address listed on their adult leader application.

If the parent is not also a current or pending adult leader, then I would search for their scoutbook account based on the email address included on their scouts’ youth applications. I believe that all registrars are now creating parent accounts when they create scout accounts, but I may be mistaken there. In any case, if searching for the parent by their email address fails to return a result, you can create the account using the email address from their scouts’ youth applications. That way, when council eventually tries to create an account, the data will already match and that should reduce the chances of having a duplicate account created.

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