ISSUE AND FIX - HTTP POST on resource - failed: bad request (400)

HTTP POST on resource ‘’ failed: bad request (400).

I was getting this issue and able to find a solution by adding a comment.


That’s really helpful information! Out of curiosity, did you try deleting the comment after the requirement saved?

That’s not a fix, that’s a workaround.

I don’t think anyone is really suggesting it’s a fix, but it is helpful for both units trying to work through the issue while it’s being fixed, and potentially diagnostic for the development team.

Verified this does work but (at least for me) only on individual entries. It does not seem to do the trick if you are using the unit quick entry feature.

I’m getting the “HTTP POST on resource ‘’ failed: bad request (400).” Error as well. I’m not able to sign off on adventures. I was able to moments before.

Thank you. I have been facing this on a variety of advancement for Tiger. While others have had no issues. The “workaround” to add a comment is very helpful.