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I am trying to record the Into the Woods for one of my AoL Cubs using the Quick Entry and it is giving me a generic error that there was an error updating and to try again later. I’ve been trying for over 3 days, and it still does not work.
I also tried using SB+ to edit the advancement items, but it gave me a different error: the requirement does not “exist in user record.”
I did notice that several adventures are “In progress” when they should not be. I believe that is due to an error I made when they were in Webelos and picked the wrong adventures. When I go to the Pre-2024 requirements, none of the items have a completion date on them, but they still show as Started, and I don’t see a way to change that if that is the problem.
I tried searching other topics but didn’t see a response to this specific issue.
Is that scout on the current version of the rank? it sounds like something simple is just off. I can set up a screenshare if needed in about 30 minutes
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