Unable to Record AoL Adventure

I am trying to record the Into the Woods for one of my AoL Cubs using the Quick Entry and it is giving me a generic error that there was an error updating and to try again later. I’ve been trying for over 3 days, and it still does not work.

I also tried using SB+ to edit the advancement items, but it gave me a different error: the requirement does not “exist in user record.”

I did notice that several adventures are “In progress” when they should not be. I believe that is due to an error I made when they were in Webelos and picked the wrong adventures. When I go to the Pre-2024 requirements, none of the items have a completion date on them, but they still show as Started, and I don’t see a way to change that if that is the problem.

I tried searching other topics but didn’t see a response to this specific issue.

@DavidParker7 have you tried a Shift + Refresh on the system?

Sorry, what is a Shift + Refresh?

Hold Down the Shift Key and Refresh the page

I just tried that and got the same error in the Quick Entry screen.

Is that scout on the current version of the rank? it sounds like something simple is just off. I can set up a screenshare if needed in about 30 minutes

That works for me. Ping me when ready.

Also, you’re correct that he is not on the current version, but I’m not sure how to change it.

@DavidParker7 ok I can set one up now if you want

Sounds good. I’m available.

I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green envelope > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

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