Issue with Cub Scout Approvals in IA

Good Morning IA+Scoutbook Team!

I’m having an issue this morning where I have some items pending leader approval in IA - when I log in and look at the Roster tab, I have a notification in my notifications area at the top plus the red dot on the Pending Items tab, however when I click on Pending Items, all of the sub-tabs are blank. This was working as recently as last week when I approved some Webelos adventures and ranks for my Pack, so I’m not sure if there was a recent change that broke something or not. Screenshot of what I’m seeing attached.

Thanks for your consideration!

Michael Raymond
Cub Scout Pack 706
Montpelier, VA
Heart of Virginia Council

@Michael-Raymond - what shows when you click on the red 2 in that items to approve pop-up? Additionally, what shows up in the needs approval in ?

@Stephen_Hornak, when I click that, it takes me to the same “Pending Items” tab, where all of the sub-tabs are blank.

The Scoutbook Needs Approval report (assuming that’s what you mean here) shows a variety of individual adventure requirements, however I leave those up to my Den Leaders for the sub-requirements for adventures, I usually only see final Adventures & Ranks for my/my ACMs approval in Online Advancement. Diving into it, I do see two adventures listed there needing approval, for Scout 12188138, so those may be the same two here as those would usually show up in IA but I’m not seeing them there.



@Michael-Raymond - and in IA you are set as the CM and not parent (the info in the upper right) ?

Yessir! If I may suggest something, the sub-categories for approvals of “Ranks”, “Merit Badges” etc. look new to me, and I’m not seeing the category that I’d expect these items to be included in, “Cub Scout Adventures” so I’m wondering if there’s some filtering going on where that category is missing and that’s why they aren’t showing up. Not sure how it all works on the backend, but just a thought.



@Michael-Raymond - that may well be the case. In the interim, those items can be managed in scoutbook itself.

I’m seeing the same bug as @Michael-Raymond. Is there an ETA for the fix?

The BSA doesn’t publish the schedule for releasing bug fixes.