When I try to enter a new service hours activity in Internet Advancement and save the information, I receive the following message: “! Error Input validation failed.” I am able to enter campouts. Can anyone assist? I am unable to enter service hours for our members!
@LauraHudson For which unit are you having difficulty entering service hours?
The problem is happening with both Troops 406B and 406G. I can enter camping nights but not service hours.
Thank you,
@LauraHudson Internet Advancement primarily looks to your registered positions and roles at my.scouting – not Scoutbook.
You are registered as Committee Chair for the G troop, so you should be able to do everything there. Please make sure you select the correct role at the top in IA 2.0.
For the B troop, you are registered as a Committee Member, which does not have the correct permissions to make changes in IA 2.0. In order to make changes in IA 2.0, they need to designate you as Advancement Chair or as a Key 3 Delegate (K3D) at my.scouting (Roster → Position Manager).
Until a few weeks ago, I was always able to enter activities for 406B. I entered a campout for both troops this morning. Even when I am under my profile as Committee Chair for 406G, I am receiving an error message. This seems to be a problem only with entering service hours. I have attached 2 screen shots for your review.
Thank you,
Not to be rude, but just because something enforcement of permissions were incorrect in the past, doesn’t mean they won’t get “fixed” in the future. It seems like you need to be added as a new role. It seems extreme, but we made our advancement coordinator a Key 3 delegate to solve this.
Advancement Coordinators / Chairs (at my.scouting) should have the correct permissions.
If they do not, please report as a bug.
Were you previously a Key 3 delegate for the boys’ troop? The delegate role has to be re-assigned by one of the Key 3 after recharter (or at used to). There’s a list here of who has access to enter and approve activities in the logs:
Some Scoutbook positions have access to create, but not approve, activities in the logs. Others (like unit admins) can do both.
This year delegates and advancement coordinators were maintained!
Ooh! A new feature… :^)
good afternoon, I have been unsuccessful in adding anything (campong,hiking or service) for my Troop 870 in the activities section. It allows me to type but when i go to save I get the input validation error. What can i do to fix this…
Make sure there are no special characters or punctuation in the address field. I ran into this last week when In copy/pasted an address with a comma.
You can also try a SHIFT + Refresh page