Jamboree '23

We are less than 5 months away from the National Jamboree, only recently I’ve seen staff receive 1 jambo patch, nothing from National. Was my understanding scouts receive their Jambo stuff so they can put the patch etc on their uniforms to drum up awareness etc about the jamboree.

Crickets so far. Anyone with a better experience thus far? My son is going but I’m helping him prepare based on 2 jamborees back when there was a Permian era petting zoo…

I did get an email requesting the physical form but his is too old has an April physical scheduled so that hurdle will be jumped…

@TimothyDolan Every Council is different - so that is a council question

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But no council that I’ve seen has posted about receiving anything Jamboree related…

I am on a council Jambo Committee and there is alot of information - Reach out to the committee

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This is a council by council thing. Our council will have the 2nd of 3 troop meetings this weekend, for example.