May 1 - Scoutbookpocalypse

All of my data is mucked up.

I somehow have two dashboards.
Screen Shot 2022-05-02 at 11.11.53 AM

All of my Scouts are gone.

I don’t even have access to my own child/Scout anymore.

I was also dumped from all of my positions including Admin for both the Pack and Troop. Guess who can fix this? The admin… I AM THE ADMIN.


@JamesBishop1 I do not see a charter for your unit - do you see one at I think council is the first place to start

As we rechartered in March (according to Council), I find that inconceivable that they would have failed us … again. Thanks Donovan. I’ve already got an email out to them.

If they get their act together and get the charter in, will data be restored?

the data is there - just no memberships

Nothing is current

@DonovanMcNeil Is Troop 815 still not current?

@JamesBishop1 I still see no current active or inactive charter for 2022

Thanks for looking @DonovanMcNeil. I thought so, but I was just hoping.

you can look at > My Profile > you can see current registrations there

Perfect. Thanks, @DonovanMcNeil.

Hey @DonovanMcNeil -

Looks like our charters were finally sent in by Council, and I now have access to them in Scoutbook.

Unfortunately, I have 0 Scouts and more weirdly 1 Cub Scout.

Screen Shot 2022-05-05 at 11.32.13 AM

What are the next steps from here?

wait till after 4 cst this afternoon for syncs

Gotcha! Thanks @DonovanMcNeil.

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