June 27, 2019 Scoutbook Updates

Bug Fixes

  • Council Admin Messages
    • An issue that caused the count to be 0 when a Council Admin attempted to send a message to Merit Badge Counselors (MBC) has been fixed. The count will now reflect the number of MBCs that have an e-mail address in Scoutbook and have logged in at least one time. These are the only MBCs that will receive the message.
  • Merit Badge Counselors
    • An issue that prevented Merit Badge Counselors (MBC) from restricting their visibility to a female troop has been fixed. When restricting visibility to a troop, the MBC must specify the gender. For example, Troop 1234 B, Troop 5677 G. Existing visibility restrictions that did not include the gender for a troop have been converted to male troops to retain the previous functionality.

New Features

  • None