Leader Having Issues with Membership Renewal

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We are having all of our scouts and leaders renew their memberships on their own right now through My Scouting

I have a leader who is in multiple units with multiple scouts. He can renew his scouts and himself in one unit, but not in our unit. I am not sure why. He is listed as an Assistant Scoutmaster on my roster in the unit he can’t renew in.

Looking or help or guidance.

Thank You!

Unfortunately, the volunteers here aren’t able to help with registration issues. The team that supports that process only takes bug reports and MemberCare tickets from council professional staff.

Your registrar may be able to help the scouter by flagging their other positions as renewed, or point them to someone at council who can file the MemberCare ticket.

That said, if the other positions are all non-mandatory for the other units (i.e. they already have all of their required scouters registered/renewed), this scouter might just be able to re-apply as a multiple to the other units in those positions once their “primary” position is renewed.

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Thanks for the help!