Recharter Renewal

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We have a couple issues:

  1. I am the listed as the CC, and my membership ends on 12/31/24. I don’t plan to renew my membership. The current stand in CC’s membership is being considered by national and won’t be approved before the 31st. How can they renew?
  2. There is an error: Error: Unit does not have required number of leadership positions
    Positions Affected: * Chartered Organization Rep. The unit’s COR is someone from Council. Why is the COR position causing issues?
  3. There are adults on our roster that need to be dropped. How do I do that?

@DianaSmith unit should talk to council on most of these

#3 on roster individuals can be opted out on Right side of table - it takes 24 hours to take effect on renewal

There is no way to do this. The best you can do is “opt-out” and move them to Unit Scouter Reserve. They will still appear in the unit renewal screen, but not impact renewal if they don’t have current YPT. They will drop when their membership lapses plus the grace period (which as varies between 60/90/120 days).

Like @DonovanMcNeil said, talk to your council. But… how do you know this person won’t be approved until 12/31? We just had a background check take about 48 hrs.

This will have to be figured out by your council. Technically they are the “Council Unit Representative” which is a different bank than COR.

@DianaSmith It looks like your pack’s COR is opted out of renewal with your pack.

@Matt.Johnson Thanks so much! I have 14238095 in the Unit Scouter Reserve position, but I still have them showing up as a Committee Member. And their membership still showing that it is requiring a YPT completion. They’ve actually moved up to T760. Instead of transferring them to T760, I think they had them create a new membership. So this profile isn’t necessary.

Thanks, @JenniferOlinger- that COR situation is squared away. Just waiting for one parent to complete YPT. 14238095 is showing up as a Committee Member requiring YPT. I have him listed only under scouter reserve, so I’m not sure what to do.

It looks like that person re-took:


on 09/23/2024, but did not retake SCO_3011, the YPT Certification Test. Unfortunately, he is outside of the 60 day window now, so he will need to retake all 4 modules.

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If they are not continuing with your unit, did you click “opt-out” on the roster screen? They will still be listed on your renewal screen, but it will drop the “check” for that person.

I think that person is planning to continue with the unit, but the user’s YPT is expired.

Like @JenniferOlinger said, they need to finish YPT. Even under unit scouter reserve, they need current YPT.

The opt out is not available to check.

I need to drop him completely.

No, they are not. They created a new membership for the troop.

When you click on the opt-out “no symbol”, what does it say?

The interface stinks, but here are 3 different situations.

The first has already opted out and has a faded check with circle.

The second has renewed. You can’t opt them out and the no symbol is faded out.

The third has not renewed and the no symbol is dark. I could click on this and then click ok to opting them out.

This is all on the roster screen, not the renewal screen. Check it out.

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Thank you. I will try this.

It says Current to the left of his grayed out OPT OUT

@Matt.Johnson did you see this last message?

@DianaSmith This person’s registration expires 03/31/2025, so he will not be eligible to renew until 60 days prior. I think you need help from your council Registrar, because his YPT is expired.

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