Leader Not in Roster and Renewal

I have a leader that been removed from the roster. They forgot to do their YPT going back to late October 2024. Is this the reason why they are not listed anymore?

How do I get them back before unit renewal? I already mention to them to login to their account and see if they can do the YPT.


Post their BSA Member ID (no names) and we will investigate.

Here is the BSA number thanks.



It looks like your Council suspended the registration due to YPT expiring on 11/9/24. I suggest she renew her YPT then contact your Council to have her current registration (which expires 1/31/25) reinstated. At that point she should be able to renew her registration through 1/31/26.

If she lets registration lapse without doing YPT it turns into a whole reapplication process and is more troublesome

Thank You I appreciate the quick help.

I got another if someone could check. But I assume it will be the same issue.


@metsfanli12 - my council sent out emails and letters to the leader and key3 on suspension due to ypt noncompliance

I don’t remember seeing this. I did get email today with new members, and dropped members and I saw now the ones that I’m asking about.

I did mention the YPT renewal to these leaders multiple times, but i guess they forgot.

also not sure if someone can help me with this or should i start a new thread.
I have a leader that I mention multiple times to renew membership since October 2024. My.Scouting keeps showing the following “Renewal order status : submitted” but it has been like that for two months and still shows expiration 10/31/2024.

@metsfanli12 - that renewal issue would be a talk to that leader and council.

Thanks, I’ll call next week then.

@metsfanli12 - it could even be that the charter org rep may have to approve it.

@metsfanli12 this ones’ YPT is expired as well

@metsfanli12 If you have the adult’s BSA member, then you should be able to check their YPT status at my.Scouting using the chatbot (“Betty”). You would also need to know the correct spelling of their last name.

Thanks that was good tip

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