Leader/Parent Issue

Is it still an issue when a den leader also listed as a parent checks the approved/recorded for her son doesn’t work but still shows when running reports appears as needs approved.

It is sporadic - if you have an example include the MID/BSA# of the Adult and the exact process that failed to approve - And if the action was only 2 - 3 weeks old

#1 ScoutBook 13639339. Member ID 140840588
#2 Scoutbook 13911074 Member ID 105870572
Yes, issue just last week.
When entering cubs in each of their dens, all show approved/recorded EXCEPT their sons which show needs approved/recorded. Thanks.

@KeithSmith4 so to be clear - did they use Unit Quick Entry? And for What Adventure?

No Quick Entry. Mountain Lion. Checking with other leader on Wolf.

@KeithSmith4 if No Quick Entry how did they enter the requirements? Walk through the exact steps please

They were done individually one at a time!

Entered each one at time because of Quick Enter bugs on Scoutbook Plus

Alot of the time when a leader looks at their own kid the leader profile flips to parent - which is another bug - so approve is not available.

hello, I am also having this same issue! I thought it was just me, but I’m hearing this from other leaders in our pack. This seems to happen when I use the quick entry and move into Scout book Plus to enter the adventure for my entire den. Everyone but my child gets “approved.” Is there a setting that I need to change, or is this a bug?

@HillaryJohnson1 can you try a shift+Refresh Page and try it again?

@DonovanMcNeil my apologies, perhaps I should clarify. Scoutbook isn’t preventing me from entering the adventure. Scoutbook just moves my child’s adventure into the “Needs Approval Report” rather than allowing it to be approved and load to the “Needs Purchasing Report.” This shouldn’t be an access situation as I am the den leader, advancement chair, and the committee chair.

@HillaryJohnson1 He as suggesting you try shift+refresh because that reloads any pages that were cached (in case it was holding onto old info).

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