Welcome! This forum has a treasure trove of great info – Scouters helping Scouters! Just a heads up, though - all content, information, and opinions shared on this forum are those of the author, not the BSA.
@ChristopherWhite11 this is fixed - I only same one SB Account - I recommend that They contact your local council and ask them to use the Registrar Tools to look up the children. When they look up the children, they want to check children’s “User Relationship” and make sure that children are connected to parent with Only the correct BSA member ID number 14135484
I have a leader with 2 BSA ID profiles on my.scouting, are you able to merge them? (or whatever magic you do) - please note that I realize the unit charter ended 12/31/23, it should update soon as our charter was approved.
Current & Correct BSA ID: 140280608
BSA ID with another my.scouting account: 14841428
I previously had two accounts that were merged into one. When our recharter was completed all of my positions were ended in Scoutbook. I was told by our district that that happened because my BSA # in scoutbook and on our registration are different. My current BSA # in scoutbook is #133764890. I need my primary BSA number in scoutbook to be changed to #135839271. Thank you for your help!
@HollyHansen that is fixed - this is why it happened - I recommend that They contact your local council and ask them to use the Registrar Tools to look up the children. When they look up the children, they want to check children’s “User Relationship” and make sure that children are connected to parent with Only the correct BSA member ID number ***9271