Hi! I am a Commissioner in the Great Salt Lake Council. With The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints discontinuing their charters at the end of 2019, it’s already a struggle to get units to continue until the end. With discontinuing Legacy Tools and forcing everyone onto Scoutbook now instead of waiting until January to do this, the end result is that boys are not going to have their records updated. While this will only really matter for those continuing on in Community Scouting units, it seems an unnecessary hurdle. I have encouraged both Cub and Scout Committee Chairs to log in through Scoutbook but for the most part it is not going to happen. I just wanted the National Council to be aware. It just seems like allowing two more months of using Legacy Tools to log in would be a better solution than losing all that Advancement Information. I don’t really expect anything to change but there you have it. That’s the word from the street, at least from my perspective.
By Legacy Tools, what specifically are you referring to? Internet Advancement 2.0? Something else?
i would point out that Troopmaster supported the new Internet Advancement 2 from the first day. BSA involved several vendors in the change over. And having gone into it, manual entry would seem quite feasible.
I would blame the adult if they won’t update the records for scouts continuing. I can say I would do so even if it meant manual entry of 100 scouts.
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