Let's clean up the my.scouting tools

Remove “Best Practices Portal” since it is no longer in active use and rename “Legacy Web Apps” to “Web Apps”.

Who should I give this feedback to?

I prefer to submit technical feedback as a technical problem report via my https://jira.scouting.org/ account to Help Center - Boy Scouts of America National Service Center. instead of emailing a general request to myscouting@scouting.org where a Member Care person has to enter the request into the Jira system. This method allows the application(s) to be identified for proper routing to a design team or application developer/maintainer.

New my.Scouting tools users please post issues here first for a possible solution so we do not overload BSA Member Care.

In reference to the best practices portal for volunteers to post best practices for Cubs Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing, Districts/Councils and Journey to Excellence, at https://bestpracticesportal.scouting.org/:

  1. I can login to the best practices site via the my.scouting tools website and the ability to post best practices appears to still be active.

  2. What is your alternative solution for retaining volunteer submitted solutions. Sorting out what is still applicable and what is not? Grouping best practices?

  3. Where should best practices and lessons learned by volunteers for districts/council and Journey to Excellence be posted and retained?

Yes, it still works, it seemed like everything was from 2013 and none were updated for Scouts BSA. So, it could be kept, but should be “brought back into the fold”. It seems like these forums, while not explicitly for best practices, end up having a lot of best practices shared. While not being as formal, they are for sure used in comparison to being frozen in time.

The BSA does not monitor these forums. Suggestions for my.scouting.org tools should be sent to myscouting@scouting.org.

It is too bad the other scouting tools don’t have volunteer liaison like you guys. All public facing tools (main web, Training, beascout, best practices, etc etc) should be grouped and have a volunteer panel to curate feedback and provide the go between. Without you guys, all of Scoutbook and the forums would be a black hole or brick wall. That is how everything else is (advancement, uniforms, etc etc).