Lion QR Codes require Sign-In, even though I'm signed in with SSO

QR Code goes to here: Checking My Gear Before I Ride | Boy Scouts of America

I’m already signed in with SSO, but it’s asking be to sign in again with a user/pass. I don’t have a user/pass as I use Google SSO. The sign-in asks you 3 times before it disappears.

@RyanHendrickson - look again at what site is asking for the login… is is and you are origination at… Not one bit of it is scoutbook or scoutbook plus. I suggest working through your council to have the sign on removed or corrected.

It’s not asking me to sign in. I wonder what the difference is.

@RyanHendrickson - is this only happening on mobile when you click on the blue resource link ? Does not seem to happen to me on a pc.

This looks like it is image links on that page - will send a note to the cub folks

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