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Hello, all. The role of Advancement coordinator in our pack has been transitioning from the previous parent to me this past year. I’m trying to get familiar with Scoutbook.
My question is: does anyone know how to create a report that I can run and print to hand to the Cubmaster at each monthly pack meeting, which will show which loops/badges cubscouts have earned over the past month?
In Scoutbook, are you listed as Unit Advancement Coordinator? And is your position approved by a Pack Admin? (If your position / role is approved, you will see a green shield with checkmark next to the position / role name.)
Also, you need to be connected in Scoutbook to all Scouts in the pack. I believe you need to be connected to all Scouts with Edit Advancement permissions or higher (I would have to test to be sure). If you are not connected to all Scouts in the pack, then you need a Pack Admin to connect you.
Once you have access to the Cub Scout Recognition Report, I recommend using the options to:
“Include Awarded Within Date Range” and
“Include Not-Awarded Regardless of Date Range”
This should catch items that might have been marked as awarded by mistake or still need to be awarded due to Scouts being absent when awards are being presented.
Because if you are a Pack Admin, then you should be automatically connected to all Scouts in the pack with Full Control permissions. You should also have access to all of the Pack Reports in Scoutbook.
It looks like I do have access to all of them now. Up until an hour or so ago, I didn’t see them. Again, I think someone behind the scenes was troubleshooting my 2 accounts - my Scoutbook account and my My Scouting account.
When all is said and done, I can now log into Scoutbook with my My Scouting account, and see all of the scouts, reports, etc.
I’ve learned a lot in the last 24 hours, and I’m sure there’s a lot more to discover.
I use the Purchase Order. You can open the Purchase order and sort by Den print it out and sort awards by Den.
I cut each Den from the sheet and put list with the awards and present by Den. That way you have a Den list with awards to hand to scout master or Den leader.